Sunday, August 3, 2008

Genesis 2

"The Idea of Good is the Universal Politic."

Introduction to Genesis II:The concept of Genesis II is simple. The stated curriculum of Genesis I was to teach humanity about good and evil. "The Word" foretold that man's classroom would accelerate at the end of time.

According to the original script, the action of Genesis I was blueprinted in 6 Cosmic Days. Man has "The Parents" DNA in his blood stream. Father needs a day off. It is time for Mankind to take the responsibility for ALL THAT HE KNOWS and start sorting the wheat from the chaff.
WE CAN DO IT! WE ARE BRILLIANT WHEN WE SET OUR MIND TO IT. The Will of The People is the 5th Great Universal Force. We emerge as THE HUMAN RACE TRIUMPHANT! UNITED WE CAN DO IT!

TIME IS ART. Art defines the mental architecture of the succeeding generations from which our 21st Century World has sprung. Modern hi-tec audio-visual art runs on a 24 hour day non stop schedule, to help Homosapiens get to the end of the good and evil thought. We are shown the cause and effect of right and wrong, smart or dumb, action choices - response to feedback.
Making good choices has enabled the early graduates of the Genesis I educational program, to form an harmonic convergence with a more highly evolved and benevolent intelligence. The goal was to combat the ONLY unforgivable sin, the sin of STUPIDITY, and prevent the self destruction of the ONE WORLD BROTHERHOOD.

There is a difference between ignorance of the reality facts and stupidity. "Black Magic" can only work for so long. Then the specie gets its 20/20 Vision. Today we have 1 billion Light Terminals and connecting nodes on the World Wide Web, making the deaf to hear, the blind to see. Even awakening "the dead." Our Light Web operates on a free ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE basis. Together these comprise the sails of the "New Noah's Ark." All those aboard Her, welcome all positive suggestions for improvement.

NOW ON TO OUR 7-DAY GENESIS II - Earth Rejuvenation Program

1 comment:

silent mind said...

posted at 06:06 pm


Six represents equilibrium; harmony - balance. It is the perfect number within the decad: 1+2+3=6. It is the most productive of all numbers.

It symbolizes union of polarity, the hermaphrodite being represented by the two interlaced triangles, the upward- pointing as male, fire and the heavens, and the downward-pointing as female, the waters and the earth.

Six is the symbol of luck; love; health; beauty; chance. It is a winning number at the throw of the dice in the West.

There are six rays of the solar wheel and there are six interlaced triangles. There are six pointed stars or Seal of Solomon - and Star of David - Merkabah

Cultural References
Chinese: Six represents Universe, with its four cardinal points and the Above and Below - making it a total of six directions. Chinese culture there are six senses: tastse, touch, smell, sight, hearing, the sixth being mind. The day and night each have six periods.

Christian: Six is perfection; completion because man was created on the sixth day. Six is man's number The most obvious use of this number is in the notorious passage containing 666.

(Rev 13:18 NIV) This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
Hebrew: There are six days of creation. It symbolizes meditation and intelligence.

Kabbalism: Six is creation, and beauty.

Pythagorean: Luck

Sumerian: Six days of creation