Exerpt: Kuthumi through Michelle Eloff
Beloved one, as we gather with the hierarchies of Light, we present the collective consciousness of planet earth with the final phase of activation relating to the androgyny grids that have been anchored upon planet earth over the past two weeks.
This energy is one that brings to humanity the Golden and Platinum Spirals of Unity Consciousness. We have chosen to activate these energies here in Dubai specifically so that this particular portal can be re-awoken.
The androgyny portal located here in Dubai is one that penetrates the intricate systems of consciousness on a planetary level. These intricate systems are interwoven between the grids of sacred knowledge.
Those grids are systems containing information that when tuned into begin revealing the higher plan of the new earth to what we call the response-able ones. The light and power that the beings currently serving humanity are bringing is not a power or a light that can be taken lightly and by this we mean it is not something that is taken without the knowing that it requires of you a level of responsibility. Responsibility simply and always being the ability to respond to what life delivers you.
So the collective consciousness of humanity is going to be taken through a cycle of very deep change. Up until this particular time changes have been happening rapidly, but in truth there are forty-eight months left for us to complete the projects of light that have been set before us by the Planetary Logos, the Solar Logos, the Galactic and Universal Logi, and as each of these groups present us with what our tasks are we need to acknowledge that what has been asked of us is for a very important reason and the same lies upon the Lightworkers, you are asked and called to service for a very important reason.
Within the next forty-eight months there will be many layers of the old world removed. As each of these layers are peeled away so new worlds will replace the old one, and for now let us say the new world is simply a new way of being, believing, living, perceiving and responding as opposed to the old world being what you have all become accustomed to being your life that you knew prior to the great shift you have been through.
Forty-eight months of rapid change. Forty-eight months of every soul being presented personally with this opportunity to step fully into the sacred power of their divine self, to walk their path of power empowered within a human form not having to drop the physical body to attain that level of power, but to be the empowered one within the human state of consciousness, and within that state being in a position to move beyond the dense consciousness of the planet, of the communities of ignorance.
Now there is another extraordinary thing that will happen, and I am aware that this channel has already presented this concept to certain people, and that is that a time comes when you are in a position to merge with the exact reflection of your innermost beauty, innermost light and right now we will call this for the sake of giving it a name the “Divine Compliment” or the “Divine Counterpart”.
When one merges with the Divine Counterpart, as a couple you are presented with a whole new level, a whole new world of opportunity in terms of ascending the Gold and Platinum Spirals of Androgyny and returning to the one light of the oneness within yourself as an individual, but reflecting it back to each other every step of the way.
That concept on it’s own is a very sensitive one because humanity attaches glamour to the identities of twin flame, twin soul, soul mate, divine compliment etc. However when one recognises the Divine Compliment of self it is recognized without question, you will recognize him/her immediatley, you will feel it energetically and physically. The knowing that one has met oneself mirrored within another is an unquestionable moment in time. Two worlds meeting, the magnetism of these two energies connecting create the Vesica Pisces and that connection cannot and will not ever be severed. This is the blessing of beauty that Father/Mother God are bestowing upon humanity at this time, in other words it is your reward for everything that you are addressing, every part of you that you allow to be healed, every obstacle you overcome, every part of self mastery leads to this divine gift, the greatest gift of love and unity combined in one expression is delivered to you. The connection when the Vesica Pisces manifests between all the chakras of you and your mirror and that is when a whole new level of mastery and ascension begins. This lnew evel of growth cannot be experienced unless you have merged with this aspect of self.
This has been an important time of progression for Lightworkers. Lightworkers are all people who choose to work with the light inside of themselves, the light present in situations, in life in general and who make the changes necessary. Lightworkers are not limited to healers or channels, counsellors or authors preaching words of philosophy and metaphysics, no, Lightworkers are every single person choosing to acknowledge the light within regardless of who they are or where they are or what they choose to do.
So now it is that the energies of the Planetary Logos, the Solar Logos, the Galactic and the Universal Logi coming together, their energies forming the Sacred Golden and the Sacred Platinum Grids in the form of Spiral Consciousness.
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