Wednesday, July 30, 2008



"By using a mirror of brass you may see to adjust your cap; by using ancient times as a mirror you may learn to foresee the rise and fall of empires..." Emperor T'ai Tsung 627-650 A.D.

Earth is the throne of Spirit. At the time of the quickening, cultural, social and scientific exploration reveals a Singlular Archetype bent on overall unity, in which the noosphere is an emerging web of light.

The brain-fields in the Lower Kingdom are the "grain-fields" of the Upper Kingdom. They are nourished and watered by the elements. They are fanned by the Cosmic Intelligence of Zeitgeist breezes. This is the magnetic attraction of light, which fuels the "spice worm" of evolution as it moves across the shifting sands of "Dune-Time" in a myriad interactions from the microscopic to the Megascopic. As we move back to the Rock of Ages at Harvest Time, the history of man is captured in its Art at Window 7.9. Earth is a singular and integrated work of art, part of a growing Universe that at one time was no bigger than a pinhead. The forward thrust of evolution freezes as one drop of the Ultimate Elixir, Divine Love, halts the "spice worm" in its patriarchal expansion. For All Life, without exception, responds to the siren call of Love.

At Window 7.9 the panoramic play of Human History freezes into a still painting. Art is the integral feature of energy in human culture, a self portrait of that which made it. Every man creates God in his own imagination. At the end of life this image is like a still canvas of the man's attempt to emulate his own perception of God during his hydro-carbon unit travels in the Lower Kingdom. The finished painting is his/her entry passport into the Upper Kingdom. What's on the portrait you show St. Peter at Heaven's Gate, is both what you are and what you get.

Art captures the imagination. Our Star Ships' re-entry report as we pass back through the mirror at E=mc3, must capture and reflect the original intent of what The Producer had in mind for man in the beginning. Has the good and evil character development of the active force of evolution been made crystal clear? Did heroic and superior intelligence triumph over bunker mentality? Window 7.9 is the final analysis of the Capture ratio of Light on both an individual and collective national basis. Each culture and nation is graded by its Final Report as expressed in the culmination of its art which reflects the final tachyon flash of insight at the climax of the rise and fall of the epoch of its cultural life.

This is the living motion picture of soul's national reflection. Right now, in the media, the USA beams a fascinating spotlight on the development of its cultural stream from the silver screen of global reflection. It is a clear example of the growth of the twin towers of good and evil.

Like everything else, art is part of the fluid WORD OF GOD, which bathes the grain-fields of the Lower Kingdom with the promise of fruition. It winds like a river of light, through ritual, through massive sacred architect, through music, acting, literature, to articulate the flow of cultural progress in a network of increasing visibility, subtlety and sophistication.

The great monolithic-phallic art of the Egyptians and the solar diagrams of the Aztec Calendar speaks volumes. Art reflected the way the Zeitgeist winds were blowing in the beginning. From that time forward art has been subject to all natural laws governing the interaction of matter time, space and energy.

Art has been used extensively to promote rank and privilege, in such pivot sites as in Rome, Berlin, London, Moscow and Peking. Ritual art (such as I was raised on in London, England) is used extensively for propaganda purposes to hold the critical biomass hypnotized in a "House of Bondage" of a fixed cultural orbit, which overshadows individual reason with an idea that is larger than itself.

In North America our daily dish of art-in-motion reflects the turmoil of the surface people's inability to reason. Extremes of licence and luxury compete with violence and destruction for the surface mind's attention. Surface people seem unable to make the obvious connection that war is designed to impoverish every nation and every living creature on the Earth: and that the counterpoint of licence is its deadly dancing partner.

We watch the fun and games of Western Leaders running with the hare and hunting with the hounds; first selling arms to third world countries then setting them up as the villain so that the futility of war may be perpetuated to its futile conclusion, (save for its hypnotic value on our nightly TV.) Bureaucrats may find this phallic entertainment pleasing to the senses. We, the common people of the earth, do not.

21st Century art, like all other force-forms of art is made to compete for consumer attention rather than glorify and integrate. Art is used as a basis for political ploys, state propaganda, commercial persuasion, and flashes of glitz and glitter which make the world of illusion seem like reality to the unsuspecting children of light.

The schoolroom of life allows us to discriminate. This CAPTURE RATIO of "cream of wheat" intelligence is vital in a time of maximum social and commercial entropy. Some 600 TV channels will soon be competing for our attention. Will they be geared to integrate or disintegrate the people of Earth? Will they fill this Earth Mansion, with "warm fuzzies" or "cold prickleys" to heal or further hurt our collective consciousness?

By actively refuting all negative and destructive connotations, with Divine Love's magic balm we can each build a heavenly home as big and beautiful as our capacity to appreciate. Then, as our cup of love runs over we can extend the capture ratio of the REAL BEAUTY which comes to us in life. This is how we fill the "Ruby Room" in the centre of our immaculate minds' heartspace!

There is always room at the top. In the New Earth Era there is ample room for both synchronized and independent action. All of which is heading in the direction of what is good and right. Love is the conquering hero, and the beautiful heroine. Love is the wisdom and beauty content of the Divine Life as at long last Eros and Psyche are wed.

In western art the RED ROSE is the symbol of full blown love. The lotus blossom is the eastern equivalent. Its petals unfold like the swirling crystal spiral of the Cosmic Cube. In cosmological terms the rose represents the wide open vulva of the "Earth Bride" as "the Spirit-Bridegroom cometh." It also represents passage back through the "Ankh," or "Needle's Eye." This is what Window 7.9, capture ratio is all about. How many "Virgins" are prepared to meet the Cosmic Groom.

The Star of David represents the same thing: the balancing of male- female energies in interdimensional coitus; the spiritual joining of the forces of heaven and of earth at the end of time, as "time" returns to Light. The rose tree represents the Tree of Life in full bloom. The crown of thorns represents phallic oppression of the spiritual mind. The capture ratio of the evolutionary forces is reckoned in terms of quality, not quantity. The capacity to capture the magical message of the musical, geometrical and mathematical resonance of the Universal Synchromesh, is based in higher logic which is theocentric, with the best interest of the whole as the forefront focus of the mind, rather than subjective rationalization, by which mankind commits the only unforgivable anti-evolutionary sin. The sin of STUPIDITY.

STUPIDITY is failure to go to the end of the thought of objective reality. In completing the original cubical wavefield circuit of CAUSE & EFFECT in the game of ultimate reality, TRUTH & CONSEQUENCE aligns; 2+2=4; the snake bites its own tail! Truth requires that we run a correction tape across the killing fields of human history to see what's causing all our human woes. Coverup of truth supports the illusion. Putting erroneous labels on national memory boxes in the mind until the light of Truth is totally eclipsed by the "Dark Night of the Soul," leaves man in a precarious "Humpty Dumpty" world where the sky is falling.

The information explosion causes Ego to work faster and faster filing away each emotional event in his mind boxes. Like and dislike are its only emotional forms of reference. Friends and Enemies are its favourite food. In its own subjective locker Ego reigns as King, Guardian, God, Sacrifice, Judge and Jury and the intellect just loves the "soap opera" it presents, as a reflection of its own importance.

"God" is an enigma, best labelled under the heading "impotent" so as not to detract from Ego's inner kingdom. Then the walls close in on the narrow cavern of the subjective intelligence as error piles upon error and there seems no end in sight. STOP TIME! STAND STILL! LOOK & LISTEN! The House of Cards with all the misfiled data of the centuries is falling down. The Humpty Dumpty world is toppling and all the Establishments' horses, and all the establishments' men and all the money in the world cannot put the humpty dumpty world back together again.

There are the "Sons of Darkness" and the "Sons of Light," two great spheres of intelligent energy battling to capture the minds of men. This is the origin of both UFO's and Black holes in the Universe. They represent the forces of gravity (the drag-on) and magnetism.

Physics observes the phenomena of the Universe from the outside. Metaphysics lives it on the inside. These two disciplines form the gateposts of the Pi ray bridge between dimensions. You can only understand the "Black Hole" once you've been through it and come out of the other end.

Physics and Metaphysics agree that only an ice cold neutrino can escape from the collapsing core of this great star system. Ra Kahn led us, first to establish a great domed city in hyperspace, then through the points on the curve (the bridge) between dimensions into the great crystal dome of the New Earth Era. *** Welcome all you egg-heads. Welcome to The Dome!

We, the biomutant fruit of heaven and earth can provide progressive leadership designed to raise the critical mass, each unit to its maximum potential, without domination. The Temple of Wisdom on Earth is built with mirrors. No god- reflection is too small to be unworthy of consideration in Hals' final product of a seamless, flawless mirror reflection. Polishing our personal reflection calls for a powerful sense of identification with the Starfields of our origin, and the ongoing evolutionary journey to limitless perfection of the specie.

On the plateau of the Eternal Kingdom, which we now occupy, leadership demands the full IDENTITY STRENGTH of COSMIC KINGS.

For the Temple of Wisdom grows in direct ratio to the wisdom of men. Each average man and woman is an incredible micro-universe of limitless potential. The Temple of Wisdom expands like a growing space ship. Love is the gluon that keeps it supple and flexible. But the MOTHERSHIP is bound by inviolable Universal Law which is the Fathers's invisible steel mesh behind the visible world of Mu.

We, The First Nation of Heaven, who have been playing cosmic games, watching and helping it happen for the past 30 years are happy to share the secret of Window 7.9 Capture ratio. The Elohim, the prophesied "Fishers of men" have been waiting until the "capture ratio" was high enough to make the flip from earth right into heaven at Window 7.9.

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