Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Defining GAIA: An Earth Energy Glossary

By Tyberonn

The Vital Vastness -- Volume One: Our Living Earth

Quote : All living things have a nervous system. The web of life on Earth both creates and is affected by electrical currents on the Earth's surface and in the atmosphere. Termed telluric currents, geoelectricity and terrestrial electricity, many things contribute to this overall network. For the sake of simplifying the terminology these will be referred to as earth-currents in the following discussion.

The soil with its electrically conducting gases, metals, semiconducting mineral crystals, water-soaked organic matter, and electrolytes offers an excellent medium for maintaining and producing electrical currents. The mineralogy of the start below the surfaces conducts in kind. Moving water, such as waterfalls, rain and breaking waves, also produce charges. Charged particles (ions) are drawn to the ground (planetary boundary layer) and high concentrations (10-ion pairs cm-3 sec-1) increase the intensity of earth-currents (electrode effect). As a result, static electricity flows parallel with the ground (orthogonal quasi-static electric field).

These and other influences create a pathway for generating electricity, which travels above and below the surface layers of the Earth. These electric currents form a worldwide system of electrical eddies. Frequently the geomagnetic field is altered by changes in these currents, and these currents fluctuate inversely with changes in the magnetic field, demonstrating a definite mutual relationship. An actual physical connection exists between the magnetic field, these electric currents and life on the Earth (GMF-telluric-superconducting- electrostatic interrelationships).

Earth is a self-aware consciousness…. with a living body, mind, and spirit. The kundalini force which runs through her, the watersthat circulate around her, the net of energies lines are available for all of us to feel, drink and breathe. Her aura, her spinning merkaba, is the light grid.
The following is excerpted from " The Vital vastness-Our Living Earth', written by Richard M. Pasichynk. It eloquently explains- the Gaia theory of the Living earth, in both laymen and scientific terms. It in fact advances the theory of Gaia further, stating the earth to be a living biosphere. I support this concept. I will use this as an introduction to my glossary of earth energy terms …

So, with this in mind, the following glossary of terms are my take on the 'Living Earth's nervous system, chakras, and aura…

Earth Energy Glossary

Telluric: Relating to the earth. Telluric energies are earth energies, earth electricity. A naturally occurring phenomenon. Telluric energy has a 'male' and female aspect. This can be thought of as yin and yang.

Ley Lines: Flow lines of earth electricity. Telluric energy normally flows along natural paths of conductive mineralogy, such as quartz, metals and can in some cases be manipulated and directed. The Michael Line in the UK & Europe has been directed into stone circles and great cathedrals.

Michael & Mary Lines: The Michael Leyline extends from Skellig Michael Island in southwest Ireland through England, Europe and ends at Mount Carmel In Israel.

Apollo & Athena Leylines: The Apollo and Athena Lines begin at Delphi in Greece and extend to Africa and into Northern Germany.

Mayan Leylines: The Mayan Leylines begin in the Yucatan area of Mexico and Chitzen Itza and extend to Sedona in the north and Machu Picchu in the South.

Condor Line: The Condor Leylines extend from Machu Picchu to Tierra del Fuego and Easter Island

Eagle Line: The Eagle Lines extend from Sedona Arizona to Mount Shasta to Alaska.

LeMurian Leyline: Connects Mount Shasta to Hawaii, Tahiti and Easter Island

Dragon Leyline: Connecting Mount Fuji to Mount Kahlish in Tibet.

Mecca Line: From Mecca in Saudi Arabia to through Iraq to Kashmir to eastern Pakistan.

Dragon Lines: Another term for leylines, normally used in the orient, specifically Japan, China, India and Tibet. The Dragon symbolizes the kundalini force. Dragon lines are referred to in the orient as the kundalini energy of the living earth, or Gaia.

Gaia: The living, self aware, spirit of earth.

Grid Lines: The facet edges of the icosahedron geodesic sphere. Energy lines connecting corner points of the triangles and pentagons composing the grids. These differ from leylines, although the energy is electrical in nature. These lines connect apex points, and do have a linear movement along surface edges of the facets of the polyhedron.

Vortex: A circular swirling motion of energy. A vortex will in general be characterized by the direction of motion as clock wise or counterclockwise; and the direction relating to the earth surface, either an outward flow (electrical) or inward pull (magnetic).

Electrical Vortex: A classification of vortex that spirals energy from inside the earth. Electrical vortexes can vary in diameter from a few feet wide to mega vortexes, such as Sedona and Lake Titicaca. The latter is up to 75 miles in diameter.

Magnetic Vortex: A classification of vortex that pulls energy inward from above into the earth. Magnetic vortexes are less frequent that electrical vortexes, and are generally larger in diameter.

Electromagnetic Vortex: A vortex exhibiting both inward and outward energy sources. These are generally a vortex inside a vortex.

Dome Energy Spirals: Granitic and sandstone domes conduct a unique blended telluric energy in oscillating spiral patterns that culminate at the summit of domes, half spheres.

Conductive Energy Fields: Area of high quartz contents (granite, sandstone, and quartzite) or metallic mineralogy (iron, copper, silver, gold) that attract, conduct and amplify telluric energies.

Quartz Fields: Electromagnetic energy fields that are produced by and exist around quartz in nature. Amplifying in effect.

Lateral Flow: Energy streams with a horizontal energetic flow. Often occurring in cave openings or anticlines.

Portal: A 'white hole' interdimensional conduit that allows for other dimensional realities to coexist within a focal window. A function of correlating the light grid, in correlation and alignment with the electromagnetic and gravitational grids.

Grid: The templates surrounding the Earth. Geometric domes with specific functions relating to the gravitation field, electromagnetic and light ascension.

Light Grid: The Earth's ascended merkaba. Anchored after the Harmonic Convergence.The geometry is the double penta icosahedron. (See separate article- The Ascension Grid)
Electromagnetic Grid: The grid is an icosahedron. The Earth's vital energy is tuned with this grid. Leylines and telluric energies are a function of this grid. In a wide analogy, the earth's nervous system (See separate article- The Ascension Grid)

Gravitational Grid: This grid is a dodecahedron. The simplest spherical platonic solid. It is the tool used for the planets tuning the planets duality. (See separate article- The Ascension Grid)

Apex Grid Point: Corner points that occur on facets of the polyhedral grids.

Hydro Lines: The energetic field created when water is moving in a uniform directions, such as rivers, tide inlets, and underground aquifers. The energy line is anionic in nature, and quite pleasant to experience. Very calming, creating a sense of well being.

Ions / Ionic Fields: An ion is an atom that has either a positive or negative charge due to having either an excess of deficiency of elections.
Anionic: An atom with an excess of elections, resulting in a negative charge. Negative ionic fields are actually benevolent. Waterfalls, moving water (hydro-lines), ocean surfs create anionic fields.

Cationic: An atom with a deficiency of (negatively charged) electrons, creating a positively charged particle field. An excess of cationic charges in the atmosphere can be detrimental, and create feelings of imbalance.

Ionic Plasma Field: Fields of charged particles.

I will note that the above glossary is based o my own interpretation of Gaia and her energy fields. Much of it is from a sense of 'knowing' with assistance from a channeled entity.

And so it is….

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