By Dl Zeta
There are many threads of reality that exist within the energetic field of a life. At any given time, there are threads that are a close vibrational match to your existing reality thread, while others exist as more remote vibrational matches. These more remote vibrational matches have a lower probability of becoming your focus probability, but they are still possible futures already in existence. Threads of reality that are close vibrational matches to your present reality are considered future probabilities. This means there is a strong likelihood you will at some point begin to shift to the timeline of this alternate reality.
In your world, a timeline shift might look like this: you are working as a yoga instructor in a medium-sized town in the Midwest. You have friends here, and a job, but you have always felt drawn to explore the Pacific Northwest. You have also considered writing a novel.
One day you decide to plan a vacation to Seattle and have a look around. While there, you attend a musical concert and meet some interesting people. One of them knows of a beautiful cabin that is available on the coast. You go to see the cabin and fall in love with it. You see yourself living here, writing the novel you have been dreaming of, and getting to know new friends. You rent the cabin, return home to the Midwest, pack your bags and move. You have effectively shifted from one timeline to another.
Imagine you are that same yoga instructor in a Midwestern town and you decide to switch to a timeline where you're a physician living in Tokyo. Shifting to this time will obviously require greater effort, though it still resides within your field of possibilities if you imagine it. Whatever you imagine is a possible reality already residing within your field of possibilities. If it weren't already a timeline in existence, you wouldn't be thinking about it.
There are other, less obvious ways people shift from one timeline to another. The person who adopts a healthy diet and exercise routine has shifted to a different timeline with a different set of future probabilities. The person who adopts a spiritual path is choosing a vibrational timeline of different resonance that can, in time, allow them to shift to very different timeline probabilities.
There are many small ways you shift to different threads of reality without noticing it. This is the case when you rearrange the furniture in your home or begin to travel a different route into town. Even the smallest variation in your daily routine has the ability to create energetic changes that can lead you to choose other timeline probabilities. It is important to understand that when you create even a small change in your life, this creates new pathways in your consciousness that can effectively create a new "you." Timeline changes grow from this new version of your self.
Many people change timelines only out of necessity, when there is a crisis or other unexpected event. In these cases, the timeline shift is not always one of their choosing. Still others remain in the same basic timeline for most of their lives, with little variation in reality threads. By contrast, there are lifetimes where a person undergoes so many reality shifts it seems they have lived many different lives within the same one. Many lightworkers experience this as they actively seek new spiritual understandings and access those of past incarnations through communion with their higher self. In every case, the various lessons and shifts of a life are set forth prior to birth in counsel with the higher self and other guiding entities.
As you gain awareness of the many threads of reality that exist within you field of possibilities, you can consciously choose the thread you wish to energize. Even if a thread of reality does not seem very "probable" at the moment, you can begin to bring your focus and attention to that timeline. As long as you are willing to take action, and keep on taking action to create a reality shift, you will eventually make the shift.
When you shift to a thread that is a close vibrational match to your present one, the change may be barely detectable; when you shift to a vibrationally different thread of possibility, it may suddenly seem you are living an entirely different life.
This "quantum" reality shift takes place, for example, when a person experiences a spiritual awakening and begins actively pursuing a very different path. The shift can dramatically change their vibration and shift their focus to a timeline that was not previously a probability. In other words, it already existed as a possible timeline, but not a timeline with a high probability of becoming a focus timeline.
Another factor in a quantum shift is that you are creating a very different probable future "you." By shifting to a spiritually-awakened timeline, you inevitably undergo an identity change. As you acquire advanced spiritual understandings, your spiritual senses open. Your future self in this new timeline is now capable of communicating with you telepathically and serving as a guide. This further accelerates your vibration and path of spiritual growth. Your field of probabilities change as your awareness grows. One day you wake up and perceive the vast field of possible reality threads you can consciously choose from. You are able to access peak states of consciousness at will. You create your reality moment by moment as you pave the way for others to follow. All this is possible and more.
As you shift from one reality thread to another, ask yourself where the new thread is likely to take you, what future "you" is likely to result from this choice.
By entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, you are able to bring your possible timeline threads into awareness. From this place of awareness, you can consciously choose a reality thread and begin to energize it with your focus, attention and action. In this way, you begin to create the self of your highest possible future, transforming your life at the quantum level.
Entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, Part 2
(This message has a companion piece, Entering the Portal of
Spiritual Purpose, posted below.)
We have said that in every lifetime there are many threads of possibility existing side-by-side. Some of these threads are a close vibrational match for your present reality, while others are not. By shifting your focus and vibration, you are able to access any adjacent reality.
In every lifetime, there are many possible threads of reality existing side-by-side. Each thread in your field of potentiality is a story you have the capability of joining “already in progress.” A thread that is not chosen continues to exist, following its own timeline. The fact that it is not your thread of focus does not make it any less real. Any thread of reality you can conceivably imagine is a real thread of possibility running parallel to your current thread of focus. You would not be able to imagine a thread of reality that does not already exist in your field of potentiality.
When a thought arises in your mind and you feel excited by the thought, you are already beginning to energize and bring focus to this thread of probability. This is true no matter how large or small the shift required to arrive at this alternate thread.
It is important to consciously choose an alternative reality. Timeline shifts undertaken without awareness often create unfulfilling realities. In cases where a timeline shift takes you further from alignment with your spiritual purpose, you will likely encounter difficulty that can manifest in many different forms such as illness, accidents, and various forms of loss. In less dramatic instances, the person may simply think of themselves as "unlucky." We will clear up this widespread misunderstanding: there is no such thing as "lucky" or "unlucky." There is only alignment or lack of alignment. In other words, the quality of the reality you create is directly related to your level of awareness and the degree of your alignment with your spiritual purpose.
In light of this, we will describe some ways you can perceive possible reality threads that are aligned with your purpose. (In a previous discussion, we spoke of ways to discover your spiritual purpose. That discussion, titled Entering the Portal of Spiritual Purpose, will be offered alongside this one to present the complete picture we are describing.)
It is difficult to move into a timeline you cannot perceive. That is why in the beginning you'll want to seek assistance in discerning potential timeline threads. As your awareness expands with practice, you will begin to perceive possible timelines moment to moment. It is possible to ask your higher self and your guides to bring you images of possible timelines that are aligned with your spiritual purpose. Set your intention to open to any information and guidance that comes to you along these lines. Remain in a state of alert awareness, paying attention to the signs and symbols behind every occurrence in your daily life. By remaining open and alert, you will recognize the guidance you are looking for when it arrives.
Glimpses of possible reality threads come to you in many ways. One way they may appear is in a dream. At night, your conscious mind shuts off while you sleep and your consciousness travels into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is not bound by the limitations of time and space, so it can take you into past or future realities, as well as realities that run parallel to your present moment. By working with your dreams each day, you're able to discern those times when you are gifted with visions of possible timelines you can shift into.
Timeline Bleedthroughs
Another way your inner guidance may bring you visions of possible realities is through "timeline bleedthroughs." Timeline bleedthroughs occur when a potential reality begins to seep into your consciousness while it is focused in another timeline reality. This is most likely to occur during times of transition when your vibration shifts between differing frequencies of old and new reality threads. As you take the initial steps toward a new vibration, you may perceive, fully formed, the changes this new frequency will bring. It is important to understand at such times that these visions are merely glimpses designed to smooth the way through a transition. They offer you a star to steer by, but it is still necessary to continue to take steps to shift your focus to the newly-perceived reality. While bleedthroughs can also be facilitated by certain astrological and celestial configurations, their timing is always orchestrated by your guides and higher self.
There are different types of timeline bleedthroughs. When a bleedthrough occurs with timelines of similar vibration, the person experiences a slightly altered feeling and finds some things in their life no longer resonate or hold the same meaning they once did. This generally occurs for only a short period of time and can serve the purpose of offering a sense of other possibilities if there has been a stuck or stagnant feeling. In such challenging times, the mind, in its search for answers, may reach into adjacent timelines.
Another type of bleedthrough occurs between two timelines of significantly different vibrational signatures. Often the bleedthrough timeline is one of a higher vibrational nature. In this case, the bleedthrough may be perceived as an experience of pure bliss and divine connection. This kind of bleedthrough is common in times of spiritual awakening. The higher self orchestrates such bleedthroughs to give a glimpse of a possible timeline that is more closely aligned with the life purpose. In this sense, these ecstatic bleedthroughs may be viewed as episodes of divine intervention.
When you receive a vision of a possible timeline, it is important for you to open to this possibility. Such visions are gifts from the universe and represent opportunities to take quantum steps in your spiritual evolution.
One way to think of timeline bleedthroughs is in terms of a radio broadcast. You are able to tune into many different types of stations and broadcasts. There will be some stations in close proximity that you can easily tune into. These are likened to future probabilities that are a close vibrational match to your present reality. Those possible realities that exist at a frequency more remote from your present vibration require more effort to attune to. In terms of the radio analogy, you might need to obtain the equipment to tune into satellite radio stations from locations all over the world. In much the same way, you might need to sharpen and develop your psychic senses to perceive and tune into potential realities that exist at a vibration that is significantly different from your present reality.
Timeline Shifts and Ascension Consciousness
You may know people who seem particularly adept at re-creating themselves. These are people who are able to clearly see the realities that exist within their field of possibilities, and know how to transform their consciousness to bring themselves into harmony with the reality of their choice. For such individuals, limitations, emotional upheaval, physical illness, scarcity, struggle, suffering, and other undesired realities have ceased to exist. This is the beginning of what you may term “ascension consciousness” where the school of life drops lower frequency courses from your curriculum and adds new, high-vibrational courses such as spiritual alignment. This new course of learning brings your consciousness into harmony with your higher self and you begin to view the world through the eyes of spirit. At this point, you become “heaven on earth,” which is the ultimate purpose of every soul incarnated on Earth. When this purpose is fulfilled, your Earth school is complete.
By entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, you are able to access new realities through aligning your consciousness with realities you perceive from your higher awareness. High-vibrational realities are always aligned with your spiritual purpose. By asking your guides and your higher self for visions of potential timelines, you can receive glimpses through dreams or "timeline bleedthroughs." By choosing these alternate threads, you can begin to align with your highest potential reality, thereby completing your Earth school curriculum and becoming “Heaven on Earth.”
There are many threads of reality that exist within the energetic field of a life. At any given time, there are threads that are a close vibrational match to your existing reality thread, while others exist as more remote vibrational matches. These more remote vibrational matches have a lower probability of becoming your focus probability, but they are still possible futures already in existence. Threads of reality that are close vibrational matches to your present reality are considered future probabilities. This means there is a strong likelihood you will at some point begin to shift to the timeline of this alternate reality.
In your world, a timeline shift might look like this: you are working as a yoga instructor in a medium-sized town in the Midwest. You have friends here, and a job, but you have always felt drawn to explore the Pacific Northwest. You have also considered writing a novel.
One day you decide to plan a vacation to Seattle and have a look around. While there, you attend a musical concert and meet some interesting people. One of them knows of a beautiful cabin that is available on the coast. You go to see the cabin and fall in love with it. You see yourself living here, writing the novel you have been dreaming of, and getting to know new friends. You rent the cabin, return home to the Midwest, pack your bags and move. You have effectively shifted from one timeline to another.
Imagine you are that same yoga instructor in a Midwestern town and you decide to switch to a timeline where you're a physician living in Tokyo. Shifting to this time will obviously require greater effort, though it still resides within your field of possibilities if you imagine it. Whatever you imagine is a possible reality already residing within your field of possibilities. If it weren't already a timeline in existence, you wouldn't be thinking about it.
There are other, less obvious ways people shift from one timeline to another. The person who adopts a healthy diet and exercise routine has shifted to a different timeline with a different set of future probabilities. The person who adopts a spiritual path is choosing a vibrational timeline of different resonance that can, in time, allow them to shift to very different timeline probabilities.
There are many small ways you shift to different threads of reality without noticing it. This is the case when you rearrange the furniture in your home or begin to travel a different route into town. Even the smallest variation in your daily routine has the ability to create energetic changes that can lead you to choose other timeline probabilities. It is important to understand that when you create even a small change in your life, this creates new pathways in your consciousness that can effectively create a new "you." Timeline changes grow from this new version of your self.
Many people change timelines only out of necessity, when there is a crisis or other unexpected event. In these cases, the timeline shift is not always one of their choosing. Still others remain in the same basic timeline for most of their lives, with little variation in reality threads. By contrast, there are lifetimes where a person undergoes so many reality shifts it seems they have lived many different lives within the same one. Many lightworkers experience this as they actively seek new spiritual understandings and access those of past incarnations through communion with their higher self. In every case, the various lessons and shifts of a life are set forth prior to birth in counsel with the higher self and other guiding entities.
As you gain awareness of the many threads of reality that exist within you field of possibilities, you can consciously choose the thread you wish to energize. Even if a thread of reality does not seem very "probable" at the moment, you can begin to bring your focus and attention to that timeline. As long as you are willing to take action, and keep on taking action to create a reality shift, you will eventually make the shift.
When you shift to a thread that is a close vibrational match to your present one, the change may be barely detectable; when you shift to a vibrationally different thread of possibility, it may suddenly seem you are living an entirely different life.
This "quantum" reality shift takes place, for example, when a person experiences a spiritual awakening and begins actively pursuing a very different path. The shift can dramatically change their vibration and shift their focus to a timeline that was not previously a probability. In other words, it already existed as a possible timeline, but not a timeline with a high probability of becoming a focus timeline.
Another factor in a quantum shift is that you are creating a very different probable future "you." By shifting to a spiritually-awakened timeline, you inevitably undergo an identity change. As you acquire advanced spiritual understandings, your spiritual senses open. Your future self in this new timeline is now capable of communicating with you telepathically and serving as a guide. This further accelerates your vibration and path of spiritual growth. Your field of probabilities change as your awareness grows. One day you wake up and perceive the vast field of possible reality threads you can consciously choose from. You are able to access peak states of consciousness at will. You create your reality moment by moment as you pave the way for others to follow. All this is possible and more.
As you shift from one reality thread to another, ask yourself where the new thread is likely to take you, what future "you" is likely to result from this choice.
By entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, you are able to bring your possible timeline threads into awareness. From this place of awareness, you can consciously choose a reality thread and begin to energize it with your focus, attention and action. In this way, you begin to create the self of your highest possible future, transforming your life at the quantum level.
Entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, Part 2
(This message has a companion piece, Entering the Portal of
Spiritual Purpose, posted below.)
We have said that in every lifetime there are many threads of possibility existing side-by-side. Some of these threads are a close vibrational match for your present reality, while others are not. By shifting your focus and vibration, you are able to access any adjacent reality.
In every lifetime, there are many possible threads of reality existing side-by-side. Each thread in your field of potentiality is a story you have the capability of joining “already in progress.” A thread that is not chosen continues to exist, following its own timeline. The fact that it is not your thread of focus does not make it any less real. Any thread of reality you can conceivably imagine is a real thread of possibility running parallel to your current thread of focus. You would not be able to imagine a thread of reality that does not already exist in your field of potentiality.
When a thought arises in your mind and you feel excited by the thought, you are already beginning to energize and bring focus to this thread of probability. This is true no matter how large or small the shift required to arrive at this alternate thread.
It is important to consciously choose an alternative reality. Timeline shifts undertaken without awareness often create unfulfilling realities. In cases where a timeline shift takes you further from alignment with your spiritual purpose, you will likely encounter difficulty that can manifest in many different forms such as illness, accidents, and various forms of loss. In less dramatic instances, the person may simply think of themselves as "unlucky." We will clear up this widespread misunderstanding: there is no such thing as "lucky" or "unlucky." There is only alignment or lack of alignment. In other words, the quality of the reality you create is directly related to your level of awareness and the degree of your alignment with your spiritual purpose.
In light of this, we will describe some ways you can perceive possible reality threads that are aligned with your purpose. (In a previous discussion, we spoke of ways to discover your spiritual purpose. That discussion, titled Entering the Portal of Spiritual Purpose, will be offered alongside this one to present the complete picture we are describing.)
It is difficult to move into a timeline you cannot perceive. That is why in the beginning you'll want to seek assistance in discerning potential timeline threads. As your awareness expands with practice, you will begin to perceive possible timelines moment to moment. It is possible to ask your higher self and your guides to bring you images of possible timelines that are aligned with your spiritual purpose. Set your intention to open to any information and guidance that comes to you along these lines. Remain in a state of alert awareness, paying attention to the signs and symbols behind every occurrence in your daily life. By remaining open and alert, you will recognize the guidance you are looking for when it arrives.
Glimpses of possible reality threads come to you in many ways. One way they may appear is in a dream. At night, your conscious mind shuts off while you sleep and your consciousness travels into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is not bound by the limitations of time and space, so it can take you into past or future realities, as well as realities that run parallel to your present moment. By working with your dreams each day, you're able to discern those times when you are gifted with visions of possible timelines you can shift into.
Timeline Bleedthroughs
Another way your inner guidance may bring you visions of possible realities is through "timeline bleedthroughs." Timeline bleedthroughs occur when a potential reality begins to seep into your consciousness while it is focused in another timeline reality. This is most likely to occur during times of transition when your vibration shifts between differing frequencies of old and new reality threads. As you take the initial steps toward a new vibration, you may perceive, fully formed, the changes this new frequency will bring. It is important to understand at such times that these visions are merely glimpses designed to smooth the way through a transition. They offer you a star to steer by, but it is still necessary to continue to take steps to shift your focus to the newly-perceived reality. While bleedthroughs can also be facilitated by certain astrological and celestial configurations, their timing is always orchestrated by your guides and higher self.
There are different types of timeline bleedthroughs. When a bleedthrough occurs with timelines of similar vibration, the person experiences a slightly altered feeling and finds some things in their life no longer resonate or hold the same meaning they once did. This generally occurs for only a short period of time and can serve the purpose of offering a sense of other possibilities if there has been a stuck or stagnant feeling. In such challenging times, the mind, in its search for answers, may reach into adjacent timelines.
Another type of bleedthrough occurs between two timelines of significantly different vibrational signatures. Often the bleedthrough timeline is one of a higher vibrational nature. In this case, the bleedthrough may be perceived as an experience of pure bliss and divine connection. This kind of bleedthrough is common in times of spiritual awakening. The higher self orchestrates such bleedthroughs to give a glimpse of a possible timeline that is more closely aligned with the life purpose. In this sense, these ecstatic bleedthroughs may be viewed as episodes of divine intervention.
When you receive a vision of a possible timeline, it is important for you to open to this possibility. Such visions are gifts from the universe and represent opportunities to take quantum steps in your spiritual evolution.
One way to think of timeline bleedthroughs is in terms of a radio broadcast. You are able to tune into many different types of stations and broadcasts. There will be some stations in close proximity that you can easily tune into. These are likened to future probabilities that are a close vibrational match to your present reality. Those possible realities that exist at a frequency more remote from your present vibration require more effort to attune to. In terms of the radio analogy, you might need to obtain the equipment to tune into satellite radio stations from locations all over the world. In much the same way, you might need to sharpen and develop your psychic senses to perceive and tune into potential realities that exist at a vibration that is significantly different from your present reality.
Timeline Shifts and Ascension Consciousness
You may know people who seem particularly adept at re-creating themselves. These are people who are able to clearly see the realities that exist within their field of possibilities, and know how to transform their consciousness to bring themselves into harmony with the reality of their choice. For such individuals, limitations, emotional upheaval, physical illness, scarcity, struggle, suffering, and other undesired realities have ceased to exist. This is the beginning of what you may term “ascension consciousness” where the school of life drops lower frequency courses from your curriculum and adds new, high-vibrational courses such as spiritual alignment. This new course of learning brings your consciousness into harmony with your higher self and you begin to view the world through the eyes of spirit. At this point, you become “heaven on earth,” which is the ultimate purpose of every soul incarnated on Earth. When this purpose is fulfilled, your Earth school is complete.
By entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, you are able to access new realities through aligning your consciousness with realities you perceive from your higher awareness. High-vibrational realities are always aligned with your spiritual purpose. By asking your guides and your higher self for visions of potential timelines, you can receive glimpses through dreams or "timeline bleedthroughs." By choosing these alternate threads, you can begin to align with your highest potential reality, thereby completing your Earth school curriculum and becoming “Heaven on Earth.”
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