You and 3D
You understand ? The looks of this reality were not our choice for a long time, everything around us was designed to give the impression that the surrounding was real so that we would give our energy to that reality through energetic bonds. We looked at things believing they were real and therefore the energy exchange happened, however we gave energy to a hologram, thus losing it to something else.
That something else was a basket of energy engineered to be used by other races that were highly interested to gain it from us. Now we are taking back the right of living with our own energy and our free choice of what we want to experience here on earth : if we like flowers we will find flowers everywhere, if we like mountains, we will have many mountains in our lives, if we are joyful, this will be reflected in our surroundings.
We will be able to reconnect to all the elements of this earth, understanding water and fire, air and earth, and play with those elements as we travel through experiences and reflections of ourselves. This reality is dynamic and changes all the time, there is no such thing as a static unmovable reality, everything always moves. The true nature of the human being on this earth is that the reality and the universe is at our service.
We are here to mirror each other, to enjoy each other and to live in the multitude of what earth can provide to us.
Being strong creators we need to look at what we allow ourselves to experience. As long as the dominating energy of darkness is present, we can experience inner disharmony in ourselves through anger, irritation, sadness or any negative feeling, and the outer world will adhere to this energy and show that outside of you. The effects of it will even not wait long for manifestation, they will appear directly in a way or another. It is your task to watch what you allow in your mind and to see how strongly you still believe that outside to be real.
Everything emanates from you as you are the energy creator of your world. The first point of reference is you and then the rest exists. In earlier times, when humanity could not yet understand this and lived in this world as if things happened by accident, we were fooled to believe that the opposite dynamics ruled the world : the outside determines who you are. This was reflected on all levels : you were told to be this and that, the outside forced dominating rules upon you to follow, an outside god made you fear and wanted you to believe their own 'good' and 'bad', others determined how you would live and die.
How much humanity has forgotten their own source of energy.
But this is changing now, the light has made a breach in the dam of darkness and has touched the heart of humanity, the awakening into divine self cannot be stopped anymore. Some old mind games are still being played out, however light is everywhere now. The human DNA has been awakened and cannot be stilled. Drama might at this stage try to emerge even more fiercely however will more and more be recognized as 'futile' and 'empty', carrying no energy in its essence and belonging to a past only to be remembered as a strange story of duality. Acts of separation and emotional imbalance are part of an illusionary world and will lose their grip on humanity as we all evolve into another state.
We are finding our moments of clarity and of understanding, one after the other, and soon the whole game will be understood beyond the mental comprehension, and we will know the truth from inside. The era of the guru has gone, we are lead by ourselves ultimately, even if the outside is a help in our evolution, the final decision will always be taken by ourselves alone. It cannot be different, being the direct spark of yourselves and the creator of your own surrounding, there is basically no true power outside of you, so how could you want to follow any outside source of information ?
The truth is only and ultimately with you for you. You can still play within this reality to experience it, however it will be understood from the perspective of your center. It is your responsibility to be present in the moment and to see what happens around you as that is the mirror of you. You will then understand how to act upon it. It is your task to flow into your life and allow things to enfold before you as you are trusting yourself to give you whatever you need. It is your work to understand and follow the urges of yourself, instead of the ones found outside of you. It is a state of relief and inner peace in which you find total bliss. You have become your own totality.
by Komaya
Wow, insightful, beautiful...i geddit.
Very uplifting.. Thank you..
always...endless gibberish.
To get to the other side...
One must die...who they are. They die, as a self, end of life, into the eternal.
To get there 2 necessaryt things must come to pass:
1. self actualization...one self, and few get here (is the half way point)
2. self extinguishment, ending in a time of intense suffering, as self, the former self actualized "humpty dumpty" must disintegrate from the acidity of truth over time.
Few can live this out...most hide behind lie after lie. No self, not one, will get there, and "knowing" about it is only mental masturbation...does nothing.
Most people should first focus on the things that prevent self actualization...one brain together in thought. Past pain (trapped as suffering) and limited understand/educstion are what keeps people from getting humpty into on fat egg, so it can be fried on the dry desert soil over time.
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